Hey Bartle Brackets Gamers!
Listen up for a new challenge reveal. This one's called CD Dominos.
You see, a looong time ago -- like in the 90's! -- kids didn't get their music as mp3s. Instead, their music came on these skinny, round little shiny discs called CDs. And the CDs came in these plastic protective cases that were usually wrapped in high-security plastic wrapping that you needed a degree in engineering to open. Now that CDs have become soooo very, like totally!, outdated, grown ups don't know what to do with all of these plastic cases they have lying around anymore. Bartle Brackets has the answer!
And you'll have to work as a team for this one.
The challenge will be to line up 20 plastic CD cases in a horseshoe formation and then domino them perfectly. And, of course, you'll have one minute or less to do this.
Some of our older players might have the advantage on this one, coming to the games with some decades of experience with those CD cases. For our younger contestants, we suggest you find an old person and ask them for some CD cases so you can start practicing!