Wednesday, March 7, 2012
A Champion is Crowned!
Congratulations to our 2012 Bartle Brackets Champions... Ketchup & Fries! These two fourth grade girls played a spectacular game! And we're hoping they will consider returning to defend their title at next year's event.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
The Countdown Has Begun -- ONE WEEK LEFT!
Hey teams,
We're only one week away from the games! With your team handbooks now in hand, we hope you've been practicing. We also suggest that you use this last week to make team t-shirts, create a signature team High-Five and perfect your trophy-acceptance speech.
Most importantly, don't forget to gather your fans. Make sure your cheering section has their calendars cleared for next Saturday, ready to be there waving your team banners and cheering your names as loud as they can! (Well, not so loud that they make you loose your concentration, but you know what we mean.)
We're only one week away from the games! With your team handbooks now in hand, we hope you've been practicing. We also suggest that you use this last week to make team t-shirts, create a signature team High-Five and perfect your trophy-acceptance speech.
Most importantly, don't forget to gather your fans. Make sure your cheering section has their calendars cleared for next Saturday, ready to be there waving your team banners and cheering your names as loud as they can! (Well, not so loud that they make you loose your concentration, but you know what we mean.)
The Crotchet Monsters
Thursday, February 16, 2012
The Bartle Bravos
Bartle Brackets welcomes The Bartle Bravos to the games.
This team never stops looking for an opportunity to educate. Here, with their team name, they are offering a little lesson in Spanish to their fellow competitors. The word BRAVO, in Spanish, means 'angry' or 'mad'. And why exactly are these two so mad? Our guess is that it has something to do with being at school on a Saturday.
Buena suerte, Bravos!
This team never stops looking for an opportunity to educate. Here, with their team name, they are offering a little lesson in Spanish to their fellow competitors. The word BRAVO, in Spanish, means 'angry' or 'mad'. And why exactly are these two so mad? Our guess is that it has something to do with being at school on a Saturday.
Buena suerte, Bravos!
The Bossy Prawns

Entering the Bartle Brackets arena is The Bossy Prawns; their team slogan being, "Get out of our tide pool!" And if these are any indication, we're hoping this team has read the very clear guidelines of Bartle Brackets gameplay.... Particularly that there will be absolutely no intimidation of the judges permitted... either with bossy attitudes OR menacing claws. (And that goes for all teams!)
Best of luck, Bossy Prawns!
The Super Challengers

See those two little smiley faces on the logo? If you look at them and think, "Aww. So cute" than you are in trouble, falling into The Super Challengers very trap. This team is entering the Bartle Brackets games with an unparalleled and unabashed confidence. Their team name, alone, reveals everything. They're challengers and they're super. And they know it.
Good luck Super Challengers!
Monday, February 13, 2012
The Mighty Eagles
Flying high, circling their prey, the Mighty Eagles are ready to fly down and swoop up the competition. To them the rest of the teams are no more dangerous then a tiny mouse out in an open field. Easy pickings. Good luck Mighty Eagles!! May you fly away with the Bartle Brackets trophy!
The Pink Panthers
This team is slick, sly and cool. They have spent a large amount of time watching the Pink Panther cartoons learning how to dodge paint cans, walk dangerously through construction sites and how to stay away from that pesky inspector. Hopefully this will help them in the challenges. I have also heard that they have spent most of their time making up dances to the theme music. I don't think that is going to help. We will see. Good Luck Pink Panthers!!
The Calico Kittys
This team is purrrrfect for this competition. These adorable kittys are ready to play and plan on passing every challenge with ease. Look for this team to always land on their feet as all cats do!! Just because they are sooo cute, and they are, doesn't mean that they are not going to claw their way through the competition. Good Luck Calico Kittys!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Team Registration Now Closed!
Team Registration for Bartle Brackets is now officially closed. We are at capacity with 32 teams registered.
Remember that spectators and fans can still participate in individual challenges set up during the team play, as well! At just $1 a chance, anyone with a bit of bravery and luck can give them a try (and perhaps win a prize, too!) These will run from 1:00 to 3:00.
Then, at 3:00, as our final teams face off for the championship, we'll be hosting some SPOTLIGHT challenges, calling down people from our audience to give some challenges a try. Want to get on the Spotlight Challenge list or NOMINATE someone to be on the list? Just $1 to play.
Remember that spectators and fans can still participate in individual challenges set up during the team play, as well! At just $1 a chance, anyone with a bit of bravery and luck can give them a try (and perhaps win a prize, too!) These will run from 1:00 to 3:00.
Then, at 3:00, as our final teams face off for the championship, we'll be hosting some SPOTLIGHT challenges, calling down people from our audience to give some challenges a try. Want to get on the Spotlight Challenge list or NOMINATE someone to be on the list? Just $1 to play.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Soccer Sluggers

Don't be fooled! The jocks that make up this team don't actually think you slug a soccer ball! In fact, they're making a very philosophical statement with their team name. By taking the logos of Heraclitus, adding a bit of Sartre absurdity and ignoring Kant completely, this team is sending a message to their competition... their brawn AND brains will take them to the top!
Don't even try to figure them out... they'll run circles around you on and off the field and hurt your brain in the process!
We wish the Soccer Sluggers the best of luck.
Hey Bartle Brackets Gamers!
Listen up for a new challenge reveal. This one's called CD Dominos.
You see, a looong time ago -- like in the 90's! -- kids didn't get their music as mp3s. Instead, their music came on these skinny, round little shiny discs called CDs. And the CDs came in these plastic protective cases that were usually wrapped in high-security plastic wrapping that you needed a degree in engineering to open. Now that CDs have become soooo very, like totally!, outdated, grown ups don't know what to do with all of these plastic cases they have lying around anymore. Bartle Brackets has the answer!
And you'll have to work as a team for this one.
The challenge will be to line up 20 plastic CD cases in a horseshoe formation and then domino them perfectly. And, of course, you'll have one minute or less to do this.
Some of our older players might have the advantage on this one, coming to the games with some decades of experience with those CD cases. For our younger contestants, we suggest you find an old person and ask them for some CD cases so you can start practicing!
Listen up for a new challenge reveal. This one's called CD Dominos.
You see, a looong time ago -- like in the 90's! -- kids didn't get their music as mp3s. Instead, their music came on these skinny, round little shiny discs called CDs. And the CDs came in these plastic protective cases that were usually wrapped in high-security plastic wrapping that you needed a degree in engineering to open. Now that CDs have become soooo very, like totally!, outdated, grown ups don't know what to do with all of these plastic cases they have lying around anymore. Bartle Brackets has the answer!
And you'll have to work as a team for this one.
The challenge will be to line up 20 plastic CD cases in a horseshoe formation and then domino them perfectly. And, of course, you'll have one minute or less to do this.
Some of our older players might have the advantage on this one, coming to the games with some decades of experience with those CD cases. For our younger contestants, we suggest you find an old person and ask them for some CD cases so you can start practicing!
Monday, January 30, 2012
Third Grade Super Teachers

Remember those teachers we granted an extention to not so far back? Well, they've finally turned in their assignment and handed in their logo. (Just in time too -- No points will be deducted from their score for lateness!) And while it is official Bartle Bracket policy not to name names, some of Bartle's brightest might be able to narrow it down just by their team name.
Best of luck Third Grade Super Teachers.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
The Gees
I C Epic
Interesting Cowboys? In Cognito? Incredible Commandos? Icy Chickens? Indigo Carpenters?
We may never know what it stands for. Maybe the mystery is a tactic to confuse the competition. One thing is certain. Those going up against this team will have an Epic battle on their hands.
This team is one to watch. Good luck IC Epic!
We may never know what it stands for. Maybe the mystery is a tactic to confuse the competition. One thing is certain. Those going up against this team will have an Epic battle on their hands.
This team is one to watch. Good luck IC Epic!
Craw Daddies
These daddies have crawled out of the swamps of the bayou just to compete in Bartle Brackets. From deep in the south these Daddies have been known to use voodoo and Black Magic to get what they want. Whatever you do DO NOT let them get a piece of your hair or any nail clippings. I tell you from experience,it will end badly. This team is not to be trusted. Now as I am legally obligated to treat all of the teams the same I must say with great regret...good luck Craw Daddies.
P.S. If you see any suspicious activity or Voodoo Dolls of you or other team members please report it immediately to the Bartle Brackets council.
Tough Mermaids
Tougher then King Triton himself these mermaids are a tsunami coming into the bartle brackets. The Tough Mermaids are coming from the deep, dark, freezing temperatures at the bottom of the ocean. A place where humans would be smushed if they tried to go. This may be an advantage for the Mermaids. They have gotten a one day pass from a certain sea witch to become human just to compete. They did NOT come to lose. The entire ocean is depending on them.
Their motto? "we're mermaids, but we're TOUGH! So, mess with the best and we'll drown you like the rest!" I would be a little worried if i was you.
Their motto? "we're mermaids, but we're TOUGH! So, mess with the best and we'll drown you like the rest!" I would be a little worried if i was you.
Sour Apples
They call themselves the Sour Apples and they pride themselves on souring those around them. They are known for their bad attitude but do not let them decieve you. They want to win.
Their motto is, "First we're sour then we're sweet." Other teams beware. This is a warning. The only sweetness you will see from them is when they have won and are holding the Bartle Brackets trophy while the rest of the teams watch, crying.
I say good luck to the sour apples but i don't think they will need it! They are going to turn their opponents into applesauce.
Their motto is, "First we're sour then we're sweet." Other teams beware. This is a warning. The only sweetness you will see from them is when they have won and are holding the Bartle Brackets trophy while the rest of the teams watch, crying.
I say good luck to the sour apples but i don't think they will need it! They are going to turn their opponents into applesauce.
Puppies Rock!
This cute, cuddly puppy band has come to rock the competition. You won't hear them playing the blues! Their new single, "All bite no bark!" is a message to their opponents. These puppies plan on burying the other teams like a bone in the backyard! We have just one thing to say to them, good luck Puppies Rock!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
BB Challenge Breakfast Scramble
Listen up, teams!
We're revealing another challenge you'll face at Bartle Brackets. It's called Breakfast Scramble. (And, no, it doesn't mean you'll be mushing around a plate of breakfast food for a minute!) Are you good at jigsaw puzzles? You'll need to be for this challenge as you have to piece together the front of a cereal box cut into 16 pieces. Sound too easy? Remember, you only have one minute! So as you start to get nervous and your hands get sweaty, those pieces may not fall so easily into place.
Get practicing!
We're revealing another challenge you'll face at Bartle Brackets. It's called Breakfast Scramble. (And, no, it doesn't mean you'll be mushing around a plate of breakfast food for a minute!) Are you good at jigsaw puzzles? You'll need to be for this challenge as you have to piece together the front of a cereal box cut into 16 pieces. Sound too easy? Remember, you only have one minute! So as you start to get nervous and your hands get sweaty, those pieces may not fall so easily into place.
Get practicing!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
The Blacksmiths

The Blacksmiths have been forging metal versions of all of the Bartle Brackets challenges in their workshop. Whether this will be helpful or not is yet to be seen. With their hammers and anvil they made metal cookies, toilet paper and balloons to try out each challenge. How they adapt to the lightness of the actual materials will be interesting to say the least. Bring a good luck horseshoe! You may need it.
Baltimores Best

Baltimore's best is our newest team to register but the question is... Baltimore's best what? Crab cakes? fried chicken? pizza?
I can only assume that it is Baltimore's best team. Besides the Rohan Riders, this is the only team commuting from outside of Highland Park. The word is spreading about Bartle Brackets and we are starting to get competition from around the world.
I hope that they have been practicing because the competition in Highland Park is pretty tough. Good Luck Baltimore's Best!
P.S. If you do happen to have any crab cakes you can leave them at the judges station.
Monday, January 23, 2012
The Awesomes

Watch out Bartle Brackets teams!
The most awesome team yet has registered for the games! This team's awesomeness is so awesome that the only possible name to describe this very awesomeness is The Awesomes! Very simply, this pair is awesome, their logo is awesome, and their game play is sure to be the most awesome of awesomeness.
Awesomes, we wish you luck.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
You're Gettin' SCHOOLED!
The latest Bartle Bracket team is signed up and ready to come to school on a Saturday... working overtime! This duo of Bartle TEACHERS hasn't given us their team name or logo just yet. They've asked for an extention... claiming they HAD a name and logo ready but their dog ate it... right after their printer ran out of ink. But there'll be no excuses for this pair if they can't school their students on how to play the Bartle Brackets game.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Bartle Brackets Announcement
10 spots left! March 3, 1-4pm Bartle Brackets/A minute to win it will take place. $15 per team. Even when the spots are full there will be other challenges to participate in! Save the Date!
The Rohan Riders
Deep in the middle of a battle for Isengard, the Rohan Riders took time out to send in their registration for Bartle Brackets.
We have been asked not confuse them with their cousins, the Riders of Rohan. They really hate that. Apparently the Rohan Riders were established first.
With training from the elves, dwarfs and hobbits, the Rohan Riders are expected to do very well in the competition. Luck be with you!
*A few of the Nazgul also tried to registered but were denied. While we do not take a stand on the war in Middle Earth we do find them to be creepy.
We have been asked not confuse them with their cousins, the Riders of Rohan. They really hate that. Apparently the Rohan Riders were established first.
With training from the elves, dwarfs and hobbits, the Rohan Riders are expected to do very well in the competition. Luck be with you!
*A few of the Nazgul also tried to registered but were denied. While we do not take a stand on the war in Middle Earth we do find them to be creepy.
The Applebees

Team Applebees have registered and given two separate mottos, "Your favorite neighborhood grill" and "It's an apple and a bee". Neither quote making much sense, this team is divided. From what we have heard this team will not even practice together. As a matter of fact they refuse to practice at all. Hopefully this apple and bee can come together long enough to compete and vie for the Bartle Brackets trophy.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Ketchup and Fries. Yum.
Team ketchup and fries is now registered!
Like all classic combinations: salt and pepper, chocolate and milk, pickles and peanut butter....ketchup and fries compliment one another perfectly.
If this team falls behind they don't have to worry. They always have time to catch up!
Catch up, Ketchup...get it?
Their team slogan says it all: "Spicy Ketchup, Burnin' Fries -- Our confidence never dies!"
Good luck Ketchup and fries!
BB Challenge Magic Carpet Ride
Practice This!... With Parent's Permission First, Please!
Okay Bartle Brackets teams, listen up!
We're spilling the beans once again and giving you the 'heads up' about a challenge you are likely to face on March 3rd.
It's called MAGIC CARPET RIDE. You'll be challenged to scoot across the floor on a bath towel in and out of a set of cones (yup, just like a genie on a carpet!)... in under a minute!
So start practicing!
But, please, before you grab the best set of towels in the house, be sure to ask your parent first! :)
Okay Bartle Brackets teams, listen up!
We're spilling the beans once again and giving you the 'heads up' about a challenge you are likely to face on March 3rd.
It's called MAGIC CARPET RIDE. You'll be challenged to scoot across the floor on a bath towel in and out of a set of cones (yup, just like a genie on a carpet!)... in under a minute!
So start practicing!
But, please, before you grab the best set of towels in the house, be sure to ask your parent first! :)
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
The Dancing Bananas

Sweet, lovable and full of potassium, the Dancing Bananas will twirl their way into your hearts. These bananas never go bad unlike their arch nemesis's the Mad Monkeyz.
The Dancing Bananas have decided that it is time to show the Monkeyz what they are made of. No longer in fear of being eaten, they have taken their time to perfect their moves and they are ready for the challenges that await.
The Dancing Bananas are ripe and ready to stomp the competition.
Fire Breathers
Mad Monkeyz
The Mad Monkeyz have thrown their banana into the ring!
Why are these monkeys so mad you ask? Because they have been training non stop, night and day, deep in the jungle where there is no fun to be had.
Why would they do that? To win Bartle Brackets of course. When they go home as winners they will be kings of their clan. That is if they can defeat their mortal enemies, The Dancing Bananas.
Why are these monkeys so mad you ask? Because they have been training non stop, night and day, deep in the jungle where there is no fun to be had.
Why would they do that? To win Bartle Brackets of course. When they go home as winners they will be kings of their clan. That is if they can defeat their mortal enemies, The Dancing Bananas.
A WILD New Team
BB Challenge Noodling Around
Attention all teams! We are posting our first team event!!
We're leaking another challenge that you'll see at Bartle Brackets. Grab your teammate, a box of spaghetti and get practicing.
The object of NOODLING AROUND is to pick up 6 uncooked penne pasta (those are the tube shaped ones) with an uncooked piece of spaghetti... held in your mouth! No hands allowed!
And just to show that in these challenges, age is no advantage, check out this video of a young girl completing Noodling Around in 33 seconds!
We're leaking another challenge that you'll see at Bartle Brackets. Grab your teammate, a box of spaghetti and get practicing.
The object of NOODLING AROUND is to pick up 6 uncooked penne pasta (those are the tube shaped ones) with an uncooked piece of spaghetti... held in your mouth! No hands allowed!
And just to show that in these challenges, age is no advantage, check out this video of a young girl completing Noodling Around in 33 seconds!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
The Wizards Wonderful

The Wizards Wonderful have registered and simply put they are magical.
Casting spells is not the best practice for the hands on competition they will face. Things may be a little bit harder for them in the real world.
If you do not know already, there is a strict no magic policy for Bartle Brackets. It seems the only teams that need to follow this are the Wonderful Wizards and the Craw Daddies. I am sure that the Wonderful Wizards will follow the rules!
When asked what their motto was they said, "You can't beat us, we're invincible! We're Wizards Wonderful!!"
I think this team is going to cast their spell on the crowd and become one of the fan favorites!
Bartle Brackets Announcement
15 teams have registered. That means that there are only 15 spots left! Register now to save your spot! It is $15 per team. Bartle Brackets takes place on March 3rd from 1-4pm at the Bartle Gym. See you there!
Meet The Super Sonics
Team Scrumdiddlyumptious
The Deatzinators!!!
BB Challenge Junk in the Trunk
Here is another challenge you will see at Bartle Brackets!! You will tie a tissue box full of ping pong balls to your butt. Then you have to shake your body until all of the ping pongs balls have come out. You have ONE MINUTE!
Watch here:
Watch here:
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
BB Challenge Cookie Face
Can you get a cookie from your forehead to your mouth without using your hands? Practice at home. You may be called down from the stands to do COOKIE FACE. Here is an expert!
Bartle Brackets Announcement
Bartle Brackets will take place on March 3rd in the Bartle Gym from 1-4pm. Registration is being accepted now and space is limited!! We will be announcing teams and setting up links to challenges and counting down on this blog! See you there!
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